Effects of slope grade on soil-pipe interaction: full-scale experiments

Authors: Mohammad Katebi[NC], Dharma Wijewickreme, Pooneh Maghoul, Kshama Roy[NC]
Published/Presented: International Pipeline Conference IPC 2020, Calgary, Alberta


In the current industry practice guidelines, the soil restraints to assess the behaviour of pipelines subject to permanent ground displacements are numerically characterized using independent “soil springs”. These guidelines have been primarily generated by considering the typical configurations of buried pipelines in level ground. The assumption of level ground does not always hold true when assessing pipelines located on sloping ground in mountainous areas and riverbanks. This research presents the outcomes from a set of full-scale physical model tests conducted on a pipe buried in slopes. The results highlight the significance of the slope grade effects on soil-pipe interaction. The results are useful as input to modify soil springs accounting for the ground surface inclination.

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